This document was originally a pamphlet that accompanied classes I taught in the East Kingdom of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.
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Making a 2 Color Stencil
By Lady Faoiltighearna inghean mhic Ghuaire
Copyright © 1999 Margo Farnsworth
- Start with art that is in 2 colors. If it is currently black and white, color it in to make sure it looks ok
before proceeding.

- Make registration marks. These are used to help line up the 2 colors. Make sure they are far enough
away from the edge of the cut out area that they will not be accidentally painted on.

- Now you will be creating 2 separate stencils. Make sure you mark the registration marks on both
stencils! They will be cut out and marked with pencil on the object you are painting. You will only need
to mark them with the first stencil you paint, you will then line up the second stencil with those marks.