This document was originally a pamphlet that accompanied classes I taught in the East Kingdom of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.
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Creating a Repeating Stencil
By Lady Faoiltighearna inghean mhic Ghuaire
Copyright © 1999 Margo Farnsworth
- Pick out a pattern containing a repeat.

- This pattern was in reverse, I changed it so that I would have a better idea of how it would look in color.

- Pick out a single repeat of the pattern, making sure you have one and only one of each element of the

- Look at the pattern. All of the white areas MUST be connected in some way, other wise pieces of the
stencil will drop out. If the areas are not connected, work some sort of connection into the pattern.
Notice how I had to add connectors to the centers of the flowers.

- Test your repeat, making sure the pattern matches up. Make any necessary adjustments. Make
registration marks, one dot appearing in the exact same spot for each repeat. This will be cut out and
marked with a pencil when you are doing the painting. Then, when you move the stencil, you will be
able to align this for consistent spacing. Also, draw a rule across the top, this will help in aligning with
the edge of what you’re painting.